Introduction of King Vamanadeva
King Vamanadeva was the King of Nepal in 538 A.D., 32 years after the reign of King Manadeva. He likely became the King of Nepal after King Manudeva. He hasn’t been mentioned in important genealogies like Gopal Raja Bansawali and the Jayadeva Second Inscription of 733 A.D.
However, An Inscription of his was discovered in Sankhu where it has been clearly mentioned that he was ruling Nepal.
It has been overstated in this Inscription that Bhattarak Maharaj Shree Vamanadeva ruled Nepal for a very long time. Realistically, He couldn’t have ruled Nepal for more than ten years in the best of circumstances.
It is difficult to determine King Vamanadeva‘s relationships with Basantadeva and Manudeva because there is no information about him other than this inscription. Moreover, the duration of his tenure is unknown.
Even worse, two years later, his name was omitted from an inscription in Pashupatinath. The Inscription has something to do with Abhir Gupta’s ancestry. It is more difficult to determine whether he was still in charge of Nepal due to this endeavor to avoid acknowledging Kings.
As a result, King Vamanadeva was not a noteworthy historical figure or monarch. By that point, the Monarchs occupying the thrones had lost all significance. We might assume that at the time, the Gupta Family and Mahasamata Kramlil were in charge of Nepal.
Inscription of Sankhu of King Vamanadeva
In this record, it seems that this record was kept by a powerful man because the words ‘Bhattarakamaharajasrivamandevasya Samajnapayatah’ are mentioned. But his name is not mentioned in it.
This Inscription also mentions Lord Vamana Swami. Hence, this Inscription could have been laid down to pay homage to Varaha Avatar of Bishnu. This consideration is valid as Vaishnavism was a powerful Hindu Sect and Lichhavi Kings followed Vaishnavism.
King Vamanadeva also falls among countless Kings of the Lichhavi Dynasty who are either insignificant or didn’t exercise substantial Power as a King of Nepal.
Pokhrel, A. (2023). King Vamanadeva – Itihasaa. Encyclopedia of Nepali History. https://itihasaa.com/lichhavi-kings/vamanadeva/