Introduction to Mahindra Malla
Mahindra Malla was the Illegitimate Son of Yoganarendra Malla and ruled Patan as a Child from 1709 A.D. to 1715 A.D. when he eventually died. Mahindra Malla was brought from Tanahu and had no significant events during his reign.
Reign of Mahindra Malla
Mahindra Malla was one of the rare sons of Yoganarendra Malla. After the death of Yoganarendra Malla without a legitimate heir, the son of Yoganarendra Malla’s daughter was made the King of Patan.
However, the Infant King Yogaprakasa died one year after climbing the throne of Patan.
After the death of Lokaprakasa Malla, the Son of the Sister of Yoganarendra Malla was invited to the throne of Patan. He was the grandson of Srinivas Malla and his name was Indra Malla. Tragically, he also died three years later.
After the death of all legitimate heirs of Patan, two strong groups and factions emerged in the Patan Durbar Square. The First Faction was led by Yogamati, the daughter of Yoganarendra Malla. She had a specific interest in mind.
She wanted her Husband, Viranarasimha to become the King of Patan. She wanted it so bad that she even managed to mint the coins of Patan in his name.
The Another Faction was led by Rajesvaridevi. She was the Wife of Yoganarendra Malla and had gone to Tanahu after the death of King Yoganarendra Malla. Clearly, Only One faction could win among the Two factions.
As some months passed, the claim of Viranarasimha drained out and Mahindra Malla was made the King of Patan. He was crowned King within 1709 A.D.
Mahindra Malla was assisted in the administration of Patan by Rajyesvaridevi, the Wife of Yoganarendra Malla.
During her son’s reign, she increased her influence on the court and established herself as a Powerful coin. She also minted coins of Half Mohar in her name which highlights her true Power.
However, the reign of King Mahindra Malla also couldn’t last long. The Chronicles of this period states that he was barely thirteen years old when he died which is really tragic.
Another Account states that he was only Nine and a half years when he died. No matter the age, the fact that he died created and generated more troubles in the Kingdom of Patan.

The Reign of Mahindra Malla was also tragically cut short because of his untimely death. It is truly shocking how Kings have continuously died in Patan after Yoganarendra Malla.
Even Yoganarendra Malla died at the age of 40 years which is unnatural. Therefore, Patan can be said to have fated its end after the death of Yoganarendra Malla.
Pokhrel, A. (2023). King Mahindra Malla – Itihasaa. Encyclopedia of Nepali History. https://itihasaa.com/patan/mahindra-malla/