Introduction to Visnu Gupta

Gopal Raja Bansawali has referred to Visnu Gupta amongst the Kings of the Gopal Dynasty. He reigned over Nepal as the Seventh King of the Dynasty. He reigned over Nepal for 46 years.

He was the successor of King Mani Gupta who had ruled Nepal for 37 years and he was succeded by King Jina Gupta who ruled Nepal for 71 years according to the text.

The Standard Genealogies of Nepal including Daniel Wright Geneology, and Bhasa Bansawali have also mentioned Visnu Gupta. The Geneology used by William Kirkpatrick mentions Bishen Gupta, referring to Visnu Gupta.

gopal-dynasty-plate-gopal raja bansawali
Original Text of Gopal Raja Bansawali containing the Kings of Gopal Dynasty

Bhasa Bansawali

As stated above, Bhasa Bansawali has mentioned Vishnu Gupta as the Seventh King of the Gopal Dynasty. The Regnal Years of the King in accordance with this Geneology is 46 years.

The Bansawali also expands that all the Kings of Gopal Dynasty followed the divine advice imparted by the Sage Ne and ruled over Nepal with bliss and happiness.

Genealogy of Daniel Wright

In a similar fashion, Visnu Gupta has been referred to as the Seventh King of the Gopal Dynasty that ruled over Nepal for 42 years in Nepal by the Geneology of Daniel Wright.

Genealogy of William Kirkpatrick

The Geneology referred to be William Kirkpatrick has attributed the regnal year of 66 to Bishen Gupta (Visnu Gupta).


Note: The Prehistory of Nepal up to the Kirat Dynasty lacks sufficient evidence to guarantee its historical accuracy. The article has been written through the consolidation of Chronologies with minimum interpretation to preserve its Historiographical Accuracy. In the case of Further Evidence coming into Light, it needs to be posited that the materials of the Article have been solely inspired by the Chronologies themselves.